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🎧️ How David Park Beat Cancer and Grew Jenni AI to 3 Million+ Users

An exclusive interview with David Park, CEO of Jenni AI

How David Park Beat Cancer and Grew Jenni AI to 3 Million+ Users

Growing a startup to millions of users and millions in revenue is a rare feet. But doing it while battling cancer is unheard of. That’s the story of David Park, the cofounder of Jenni AI — one of the world’s fastest-growing AI-powered writing apps.

In our conversation, we discuss:

  • David's journey from failed startups to breakout success

  • How a joke about buttholes led to the insight behind Jenni

  • How a viral Twitter thread took Jenni from the brink of failure to explosive user growth in hours

  • David’s shock cancer diagnosis and the impossible choice he faced between his health and the company

  • Insights on building AI products and scaling growth channels

Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.

Key takeaways from the conversation:

  1. The Jenny AI Story:

    • Started 5 years ago, predating ChatGPT

    • Currently has 3.5 million users

    • Generating $630K monthly revenue, growing 15-20% per month

  2. The Power of Persistence:

    • David spent 11 years trying various startups before finding success with Jenny AI

    • He emphasizes the importance of not giving up and being a "cockroach" in the startup world

  3. Pivoting to Success:

    • Jenny AI started as a content agency using GPT-2

    • Pivoted to SEO with GPT-3, then to a more general-purpose writing tool

    • Found success with an autocomplete mechanic that resonated with researchers and academics

  4. The Viral Breakthrough:

    • A viral Twitter thread (one of the most viral in history) caused explosive growth

    • Went from $2,000 MRR to $10,000 MRR almost overnight

    • Sustained 10% month-over-month growth for over two years following the viral moment

  5. Diversifying Growth Channels:

    • Initially relied solely on organic social media content

    • Later expanded to SEO, affiliate programs, paid ads, and influencer marketing

  6. Overcoming Cancer:

    • David was diagnosed with thyroid cancer just as the company hit $1 million ARR

    • He delayed surgery to maintain business momentum, showing great courage in the face of adversity

  7. Lessons for AI Startups:

    • Focus on showcasing your product visually, especially on short-form content platforms

    • Don't get too caught up in deploying your own models; leverage existing APIs

    • Prioritize user feedback, UX improvements, and stickiness over technical complexity

  8. On Being a "GPT Wrapper":

    • David doesn't view the term as an insult

    • He emphasizes that creating value for users is more important than the complexity of your solution

Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.

In this episode we cover:

  • (00:37) Who is David Park?

  • (01:18) David’s background and Jenny AI

  • (02:04) Revenue growth and team size

  • (03:03) David’s entrepreneurial backstory

  • (04:20) The path to Jenni AI

  • (04:40) Idea inception and AI integration

  • (06:19) Early experiments with Chat GPT

  • (07:38) The pivotal moment with GPT-3

  • (09:35) The technical co-founder’s role

  • (10:20) Pivoting to an educational tool

  • (12:07) Viral growth and its impact

  • (14:22) Sustaining growth through social media

  • (17:11) Marketing strategies post-virality

  • (20:35) Overcoming cancer

  • (24:02) Lessons learned building with AI

  • (27:05) Responding to critics and what’s next

See you next time,